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                </div>On Thursday of this week, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its decision about the health care initiative from the Obama Administration, commonly referred to a ObamaCare. The new healthcare reform goes into effect in 2014, and among the parts of the plan in the […]<!-- AddThis Sharing Buttons below -->
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    Supreme Court Ruling Upholds ObamaCare – Fox News Analyzes Court’s Decision

    On Thursday of this week, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its decision about the health care initiative from the Obama Administration, commonly referred to a ObamaCare. The new healthcare reform goes into effect in 2014, and among the parts of the plan in the […]

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                </div>According to results just coming out, it appears that Republicans may have something to cheer about today. In what is a first in United States history, it appears that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker may have won based on the Wisconsin recall election results. A report […]<!-- AddThis Sharing Buttons below -->
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    Wisconsin Recall Election Results for Governor Scott Walker

    According to results just coming out, it appears that Republicans may have something to cheer about today. In what is a first in United States history, it appears that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker may have won based on the Wisconsin recall election results. A report […]

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                </div>While recent press statements and releases indicated that television and radio show host Glenn Beck had his show cancelled, or was fired for low ratings, there is information from the Fox News website that indicates otherwise. Beck’s contract with Fox was due to expire in […]<!-- AddThis Sharing Buttons below -->
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    Glenn Beck: Not Fired from Fox

    While recent press statements and releases indicated that television and radio show host Glenn Beck had his show cancelled, or was fired for low ratings, there is information from the Fox News website that indicates otherwise. Beck’s contract with Fox was due to expire in […]

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    In a joint statement from his company, Mercury Radio Arts, and Fox News, it was announced that Glenn Beck’s show on Fox News will be cancelled later this year. Beck, who has been very controversial since his move from CNN to Fox in 2009, has […]
    " title="Glenn Beck Leaving Fox News TV Show" />

Glenn Beck Leaving Fox News TV Show

In a joint statement from his company, Mercury Radio Arts, and Fox News, it was announced that Glenn Beck’s show on Fox News will be cancelled later this year. Beck, who has been very controversial since his move from CNN to Fox in 2009, has […]

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