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                </div>According to the information released from Amazon in its earnings report, the company now sells more books in an electronic form, for its Kindle format, than in printed form. The proliferation of handheld devices which support the Kindle format, like those from Apple and those […]<!-- AddThis Sharing Buttons below -->
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    Digital Books Outsell Paper

    According to the information released from Amazon in its earnings report, the company now sells more books in an electronic form, for its Kindle format, than in printed form. The proliferation of handheld devices which support the Kindle format, like those from Apple and those […]

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                </div>  Verizon announced today that it has officially signed a non-exclusive agreement with Apple which allows them to sell, and provide service for, the iPhone on the their network. There had been mountains of speculation in recent months, especially as the start of the Consumer […]<!-- AddThis Sharing Buttons below -->
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    Verizon iPhone is Now Official

      Verizon announced today that it has officially signed a non-exclusive agreement with Apple which allows them to sell, and provide service for, the iPhone on the their network. There had been mountains of speculation in recent months, especially as the start of the Consumer […]

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                </div>Rumors about an eventual end to AT&T’s exclusivity with the Apple iPhone, and the start of availability of the popular device on the Verizon network have been circulating for some time. While AT&T officials admitted that the day would come eventually, they have always felt […]<!-- AddThis Sharing Buttons below -->
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    Verizon Prepares for iPhone

    Rumors about an eventual end to AT&T’s exclusivity with the Apple iPhone, and the start of availability of the popular device on the Verizon network have been circulating for some time. While AT&T officials admitted that the day would come eventually, they have always felt […]

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                </div>Latest reports from Bloomberg indicate that Verizon will have the iPhone out in time for Valentines day. Previous reports suggested that Steve Jobs would announce the change at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas next week. But this report changes that. According to the […]<!-- AddThis Sharing Buttons below -->
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    Verizon iPhone for Valentines Day

    Latest reports from Bloomberg indicate that Verizon will have the iPhone out in time for Valentines day. Previous reports suggested that Steve Jobs would announce the change at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas next week. But this report changes that. According to the […]

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                </div>For years now, rumors and speculation regarding Verizon bringing the ultra popular iPhone to its customers have circulated wildly through the media and the internet. The latest of these rumors, this time from the Wall Street Journal, indicates that the iPhone “would be released in […]<!-- AddThis Sharing Buttons below -->
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    Verizon iPhone Coming Soon?

    For years now, rumors and speculation regarding Verizon bringing the ultra popular iPhone to its customers have circulated wildly through the media and the internet. The latest of these rumors, this time from the Wall Street Journal, indicates that the iPhone “would be released in […]

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