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                </div>According to an “end of the world” prediction by evangelist Harold Camping, the world will come to an end tomorrow, May 21 2011. Camping is citing his research of the bible which shows that tomorrow will begin what he calls the “rapture” and many refer […]<!-- AddThis Sharing Buttons below -->
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    Harold Camping Predicts the End of the World Tomorrow May 21 2011 – Citing Rapture and Judgement Day

    According to an “end of the world” prediction by evangelist Harold Camping, the world will come to an end tomorrow, May 21 2011. Camping is citing his research of the bible which shows that tomorrow will begin what he calls the “rapture” and many refer […]

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    (Revised from and earlier release: ) According to Harold Camping, an 89 year old reverend, the end of the world is just days away. The predicted Judgement Day according to Camping is May 21st of this year, 2011. The reverent had previously predicted the end […]
    " title="May 21 2011 End of World Judgement Day Predicted by Harold Camping" />

May 21 2011 End of World Judgement Day Predicted by Harold Camping

(Revised from and earlier release: ) According to Harold Camping, an 89 year old reverend, the end of the world is just days away. The predicted Judgement Day according to Camping is May 21st of this year, 2011. The reverent had previously predicted the end […]

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