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                </div>At least in their minds, 20 individuals who took place in a research program, had encounters with UFOs and aliens. The volunteers participated in a program at the OOBE Research Center during the second week of October which aimed to prove that close encounters reported […]<!-- AddThis Sharing Buttons below -->
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    Space Aliens and UFO Encounters in Los Angeles in October

    At least in their minds, 20 individuals who took place in a research program, had encounters with UFOs and aliens. The volunteers participated in a program at the OOBE Research Center during the second week of October which aimed to prove that close encounters reported […]

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                </div>What is Carmageddon? It’s a road project/closure on the Los Angeles 405 Freeway dubbed “Carmageddon” by Los Angeles officials. The unprecedented weekend shutdown of a 10-mile (16-km) stretch of the 405 Freeway could, in a worst-case scenario, delay motorists for hours on alternate routes with […]<!-- AddThis Sharing Buttons below -->
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    Los Angeles “Carmageddon” Underway

    What is Carmageddon? It’s a road project/closure on the Los Angeles 405 Freeway dubbed “Carmageddon” by Los Angeles officials. The unprecedented weekend shutdown of a 10-mile (16-km) stretch of the 405 Freeway could, in a worst-case scenario, delay motorists for hours on alternate routes with […]

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