Watch Video: Real History Behind WGN’s Manhattan Project Series Revealed

Watch Video: Real History Behind WGN’s Manhattan Project Series RevealedWith the current WGN television series “Manhattan Project” drawing viewers in to the history of the development of the first atomic bomb, the Los Alamos National Laboratory is trying to shed some light on a historically accurate picture of the place.

With a YouTube channel dedicated to its research, the Lab allows viewers to watch online video of the Manhattan Project. This inside look lets viewers see what Los Alamos really looked like during the Manhattan Project.

Watch Manhattan Series Video Online Below from WGN

The Manhattan Project laboratory was constructed at Los Alamos, New Mexico, beginning in 1943, and was intended from the start to be temporary and be constructed as quickly as possible to aid in the war effort at the time.

During WWII, most facilities of this nature were built with minimal materials and so quickly that much of the original infrastructure was later torn down in the late ’40s and early ’50s and replaced by more permanent facilities.

This makes it difficult to get an accurate historic feel for how the facility actually appeared during the Manhattan Project, and the development of the atom bomb.

Fortunately, as can be seen in the videos, a few key facilities remained, and are being preserved and maintained for historic significance.

In addition to the historical videos related to the Manhattan Project, the YouTube channel also contains a wealth of videos related to the science research currently being performed at Los Alamos.

Watch video on the Manhattan Project online, along with other research from Los Alamos LANL YouTube Channel:

About Janet Lynn

Janet Lynn - a freelance writer with a great insight into the Entertainment world.