Illinois Sheriff’s Eviction Ban, Lifted By State Attorneys General.

Illinois Sheriff’s Eviction Ban, Lifted By State Attorneys General–  Cook County Sheriff, Tom Dart, an Illinois sheriff, took a unique position by refusing to evict homeowners based on, allegedly incomplete, foreclosure paperwork. His brave stance has been brought to a halt by the powers-that-be and, as he stated Friday, he’s being compelled to resume evictions. He still plans to continue investigating the banks in question and may initiate criminal charges against them and their employees.  

“For the people who have been involved with this and think now that because the (Cook County) State’s Attorney’s office has ordered me to go ahead with the evictions that everything’s fine . . . No, we are going to be looking at you for criminal violations,” Dart said. “You may have got through one storm now, the other one is coming.”

Dart targeted Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase and GMAC/Ally Financial during November for issues with their eviction notices. As reported by,, Friday, he also stated that ongoing investigations continue to yield a system where bank staffers continue to approve problematic documents without proper review.

“When we asked a month ago . . . send me an affidavit to say that everything was done legally, not one organization, law firm handling these cases, not one of them sent in one document,” Dart revealed. “Not one, and they had over a month to do it.”

Dart stated that, furthermore, his office’s scrutiny has brought to light issues that were far more pervasive than originally thought.

About Ed Dixon

Ed Dixon - as an experienced writer and proven business leader, Mr. Dixon is the primary contributor for news related to Business and Finance.