Historic Smoking Ban Passed in NewYork

Smoking Ban Passed in NewYork

Smoking Ban Passed in NewYork

In 2002 the city of New York, like many other cities and even entire states around the country, enacted a ban on smoking in restaurants. Now, the New York City Council has announced that they have voted in an extension to the current smoking ban.

Ninety days after it is signed by Mayor Bloomberg, the new law will also prohibit smoking in Central Park and Times Square among other places. Also included are the city’s 14 miles of public beaches and about 29,000 acres of the city’s 1700 parks.

The ban includes the boardwalk at Coney Island, and even applies to individuals sitting in traffic in parts of the city.

Anyone caught smoking in prohibited areas will likely receive a ticket from the Parks Department to the tune of $50. In a statement, the Parks and Recreation Commissioner Adrian Benepe said, “Tens of millions of visitors – New Yorkers and tourists alike – enjoy our beaches and parks year round, and we hope this new legislation makes it even safer and more pleasant for children and adults to play sports and for visitors of all interests to enjoy healthier and cleaner parks and beaches.”

About Alyssa Jayden

Alyssa Jayden - One of our newest writers, Ms Jayden brings a fresh perspective to a variety of topics. She focuses most of her efforts covering our Health and Travel sections. a_jayden@newstaar.com