Casey Anthony Trial Continues: Watch Live Streaming Internet Video for Latest Updates on Day 3 for the Defense

One of many fights breaks out in line to see the Casey Anthony Trial live on Friday

One of many fights breaks out in line to see the Casey Anthony Trial live on Friday

The second day of the Casey Anthony trial saw as much drama outside of the Orlando courtroom as inside. Hours before the defense and the prosecution went back and forth probing the witnesses, fists were flying on the sidewalks leading to the courthouse.

In order to get one of the 50 seats for the public inside the courtroom, people have been waiting in line for 12 hours or more, sleeping on the sidewalk. Yesterday as some people thought others were trying to cut in line several fights, including pushing, punching and at least one headlock, were caught on camera by local news crews.

Broadcast of the trial proceedings take place Monday-Saturday from about 9AM to 5PM Eastern Time, with a break for lunch from 12-1:30. Video Coverage Continues Today – Watch Casey Anthony Trial Live Here:

To prevent this from happening, anyone wanting to get in to watch the trial in person will have to be in line at the courthouse at 4PM the day prior to get their name on the list. The first 50 people will then be able to come back the next morning, present their ID and gain admittance.

With local television stations in the Orlando area broadcasting the trial of Casey Anthony live without commercial interruption, and live video stream over the internet available, it is hard to imagine why so many would feel the need to sit in the courtoom.

The trial will pick up again today at 9AM eastern as the defense continues to poke holes in the circumstantial evidence case which the prosecution had presented over the previous weeks.

About Jack Law

Jack Law - an avid soccer player and talented writer, Jack does an excellent job bringing our Sports section to life.