More Bad News for Facebook Users Coming Soon – See Who de-friended You?

facebook changes show who you defriended

More Bad News for Facebook Users Coming Soon - See who de-friended You?

This week has seen a lot of angry outbursts and online protests from users of the social media leader Facebook. But when it comes to Facebook News, there appears to be more bad news to come for users. You may want to think twice the next time you decide to ‘de-friend’ someone.

Even with all of the commotion and outrage, it appears that Facebook is not finished making changes to the highly popular web site.

According to reports, another change which will likely receive a lot of fan outrage will relate to what happens when you remove a friend from your profile, commonly know as “defriending.”

The new feature, called ‘timeline’ according to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, will allow users to see older versions of their friends and that of others. Additionally, according to a report from BuzzFeed, there will also be a button which will indicate whether or not someone is still on your ‘friends’ list.

There will not be any type of actual notification sent to someone that you de-friend, nor will there be any type of “you just got the boot” posting on Facebook with the change. However, their will be some subtle ways to detect the change.

For example, if you go back and look at a friends list from some time in the past, and notice that some on the list have an “add to friends” button, that person apparently de-friended you.

About Ed Dixon

Ed Dixon - as an experienced writer and proven business leader, Mr. Dixon is the primary contributor for news related to Business and Finance.