Santa Tracker – NORAD Santa Tracker Captures Sleigh and Reindeer on their way

NORAd Santa Tracker

NORAD Santa Tracker spots Santa over Ireland

It has begun. Santa is officially on his way as Christmas day started earlier today in the south Pacific. Most recently the Santa Tracker officials at NORAD had spotted Santa and his team of reindeer, all nine including Rudolph, making deliveries in Ireland.

At the time of posting this article, Santa had already delivered a total of 1,357,198,193 presents throughout the far east, Asia, Europe and Africa. Next stop according to the NORAD Santa Tracker is Vick Iceland (but that was in 1 minute at 8:05 Eastern time in the United States).

Santa and his team are moving with incredible speed as they do each year, so by the time you read this he will likely already be making his way around North America.

Using the NORAD Santa Tracker, in conjunction with Google Earth Maps, you can actually follow Santa around the globe. You can zoom in and when Santa makes a stop at a city, the speed with which he delivers presents is incredible.

Using the maps you can also view some recordings of earlier stops around the globe.

While it’s fun to watch Santa, just be sure to get yourself in bed before he makes it to your town or you may miss out.

Merry Christmas!

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