Students Can Talk to Astronauts on the ISS in 2013 – Schools and Educational Groups Can Register Now

Students Can Talk to Astronauts on the ISS in 2013 – Schools and Educational Groups Can Register NowAs part of its objective to foster science education and engage students, NASA has announced opportunities for schools and educational groups to speak with astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) in 2013. The interaction is designed to allow students ask questions and learn more about living and working in space.

Schools and educational groups will be able to sign up to interact with the ISS astronauts in two ways. The first way to talk to ISS crewmembers are via 20 minute in-flight education downlinks where participants see and hear crew members live from space broadcast via NASA Television and the NASA website.

The other option is to talk with astronauts via Amateur Radio on the International Space Station, known as ARISS. Shorter in length, the ARISS events are 10-minute sessions during which participants speak with the crew through amateur radio.

Participation in these interactive opportunities is open to educational organizations within the United States including, museums, science centers, local school districts, national and regional education organizations, and local, state and federal government agencies. Those interested must submit proposals for in-flight education downlinks by January 18th and for ARISS by January 28th.

For more information about downlinks, send an email to or visit, information about ARISS can be obtained by email sent to, or online at:

About D Robert Curry

D Robert Curry - with over 2 decades of experience in the IT sector and an avid aviator, Mr. Curry covers all Science & Technology and Aviation realted news stories.