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                </div>A recent report from the National Science Foundation (NSF) shows that reading on a smartphone may help those who deal with dyslexia. Researchers believe that reading on the smaller screen and seeing words two and three at a time may help to improve focus, and […]<!-- AddThis Sharing Buttons below -->
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    Help for Dyslexia comes from a Smartphone or Tablet

    A recent report from the National Science Foundation (NSF) shows that reading on a smartphone may help those who deal with dyslexia. Researchers believe that reading on the smaller screen and seeing words two and three at a time may help to improve focus, and […]

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                </div>To better understand the impact of air pollution on people’s health, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has announced that they will be funding 4 new Clean Air Research Centers. The four universities awarded the funding to operate the centers are already conducting what the agency […]<!-- AddThis Sharing Buttons below -->
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    EPA Funds 4 New Clean Air Research Centers

    To better understand the impact of air pollution on people’s health, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has announced that they will be funding 4 new Clean Air Research Centers. The four universities awarded the funding to operate the centers are already conducting what the agency […]

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