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                </div>The Associated Press (AP) is reporting today that Edward Snowden, the man at the center of the National Security Agency (NSA) security leaks, has been granted asylum for at least one year in Russia. The agreement allows Snowden to travel within the country, and could […]<!-- AddThis Sharing Buttons below -->
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    NSA Leak Edward Snowden Granted Asylum in Russia

    The Associated Press (AP) is reporting today that Edward Snowden, the man at the center of the National Security Agency (NSA) security leaks, has been granted asylum for at least one year in Russia. The agreement allows Snowden to travel within the country, and could […]

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                </div>In response to the WikiLeaks release of confidential U.S. diplomatic communications, several sites such as PayPal, MasterCard, and Visa prevented WikiLeaks from collecting donations via their financial channels. In response to their asts, a groups called Anonymous took credit for several denial of service (DOS) […]<!-- AddThis Sharing Buttons below -->
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    WikiLeaks DOS Attacks Server Seized

    In response to the WikiLeaks release of confidential U.S. diplomatic communications, several sites such as PayPal, MasterCard, and Visa prevented WikiLeaks from collecting donations via their financial channels. In response to their asts, a groups called Anonymous took credit for several denial of service (DOS) […]

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