The NWFCC is Sponsoring a 6-day Virtual Book Tour

Book Tour

Book Tour

The National Writing for Children Center (NWFCC) is Sponsoring a 6-day Virtual Book Tour for Author Rachelle Burk, Starting Friday, November 19, 2010

Author Rachelle Burk and her new book Tree House in a Storm (Stemmer House Publishers, 2009) are being showcased the entire month of November at the National Writing for Children Center. Part of this showcase includes a 6-day virtual book tour. Join Suzanne Lieurance, founder and director of the National Writing for Children Center, and the virtual book tour hosts as they welcome Rachelle Burk for her exclusive tour starting Friday, November 19.

Rachelle Burk grew up in New Orleans. Her fiction, nonfiction, and poetry for children have appeared in national magazines such as Highlights, Scholastic Scope, and Pockets. Rachelle visits schools and libraries as an author and storyteller, and provides critique and editing services to other children’s writers. She is founder of the award-winning website As a children’s entertainer, Rachelle performs as Tickles the Clown and other characters for parties, schools, and other events. In a parallel universe, Rachelle is a social worker specializing in crisis intervention, and a member of her local Rescue Squad. She resides with her family in East Brunswick, New Jersey.

About Janet Lynn

Janet Lynn - a freelance writer with a great insight into the Entertainment world.