For consumers the advantages of sending electronic greeting cards, known as free ecards (e-cards), are fairly obvious. Cost savings is one obvious point. Free is always preferred by consumers, and additionally by sending the free e-cards online, the consumers also saves on postage costs. The speed of delivery also makes free online ecards a great solution for last minute Valentines Day messages.
eCards are also a green alternative to traditional greeting cards. The free online ecards are an environmentally friendly option for Valentines Day as they save on paper.
Finally, the interactive and often humorous nature of e-greetings are something that was hard to duplicate with a traditional paper greeting card. While you may still feel compelled to buy a paper card for you Valentine, sending a humorous ecard may be a great way to brighten someone specials day at work.
Although the greeting card industry has indicated that sales have dropped by nearly half from levels a decade ago, companies are finding ways to make up the loss in ways the benefit both the consumer and the industry.
Taking ideas from the internet based e-cards, which can be found for free on a number of web sites, manufacturers have started using technology to make traditional paper cards more interactive, customizable and entertaining. The end result is a better product for consumers.
Manufacturers and card retailers have also started offering free e-cards for Valentines Day, Holidays and special occasions on their web sites as well. The companies then make revenue, previously lost to smaller sites, through advertising. Additionally the companies use the opportunity to interact with consumers to gather information, promote additional sale items, and encourage consumers to enroll in email alerts for upcoming promotions.