green energy Archive

Entrepreneurs Can Access Innovative Alternative Energy Technologies from National Renewable Energy Laboratory for Green and Alternative Energy Sources

According to the Department of Energy, Vice President Biden made a visit to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado. The facility is set up to further research and development of clean alternate sources of energy including solar power from photovoltaic solar panels and […]

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                </div>On March 10th, 2011 the Obama Administration announced a $12 million, multi-agency sponsored, technology innovation challenge. Awards from the funding will be distributed to six teams in the U.S. with the most innovative ideas to drive technology commercialization and entrepreneurship. This “i6 Green Challenge” program […]<!-- AddThis Sharing Buttons below -->
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    i6 Green Challenge Promotes Clean Energy Innovation and Economic Growth

    On March 10th, 2011 the Obama Administration announced a $12 million, multi-agency sponsored, technology innovation challenge. Awards from the funding will be distributed to six teams in the U.S. with the most innovative ideas to drive technology commercialization and entrepreneurship. This “i6 Green Challenge” program […]

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