identity theft Archive

Email Snooping May Set a New Precedent for the Law

While it has long been a crime to willfully open another person’s physical mail, the advent of electronic mail, email, creates a new dynamic for the law to consider. Leon Walker, a 33 year old man from Michigan, has been charged with a felony for […]

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                </div>– The United States Department of Health and Human reported recently that laptop theft is the number one cause of health data breaches.  Last year alone, the United States reported 275,000 cases of health data infringement. Health data theft is a different breed of identity […]<!-- AddThis Sharing Buttons below -->
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    Healthcare Data Breaches on the Rise

    – The United States Department of Health and Human reported recently that laptop theft is the number one cause of health data breaches.  Last year alone, the United States reported 275,000 cases of health data infringement. Health data theft is a different breed of identity […]

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