Playstation network Archive

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    In the wake of the system hack which resulted in the temporary shut down of the Sony playstation network, the company vowed to have the PSN back online by the end of last week. Unfortunately for fans, as of May 9th, the company has apparently […]
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Playstation Network Back Online: Latest Word from Sony PSN

In the wake of the system hack which resulted in the temporary shut down of the Sony playstation network, the company vowed to have the PSN back online by the end of last week. Unfortunately for fans, as of May 9th, the company has apparently […]

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                </div>According to a statement from Sony, which held a press conference regarding the recent shut down on the companies online gaming site, they expect to have the Playstation network back online for users by the end of this week. The network was shut down in […]<!-- AddThis Sharing Buttons below -->
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    Playstation Network Back Online by Week’s End – Sony PSN Update

    According to a statement from Sony, which held a press conference regarding the recent shut down on the companies online gaming site, they expect to have the Playstation network back online for users by the end of this week. The network was shut down in […]

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