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                </div>Today, weather forecasts indicate that a powerful and massive arctic blast, dubbed Winter Storm Cleon, of icy cold air could potentially knock out power for more than 30 million people in the U.S. The threat of power loss is primarily a strong threat to those […]<!-- AddThis Sharing Buttons below -->
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    Winter Storm Cleon: Massive Ice Storm and Cold Temperature Drop Threatens Million in the U.S. say Weather Channel Experts

    Today, weather forecasts indicate that a powerful and massive arctic blast, dubbed Winter Storm Cleon, of icy cold air could potentially knock out power for more than 30 million people in the U.S. The threat of power loss is primarily a strong threat to those […]

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    While numbers are still coming in, so far 9 people have been reported dead with about another 100 injured as a result of an EF-4 tornado which ripped through the town of Harrisburg Illinois. The destruction in Harrisburg, which devastated an estimated 250-300 homes, is […]
    " title="EF-4 Tornado Kills 9, Injures Many, and Destroys Hundreds of Homes in Harrisburg IL and Continues to Northeast" />

EF-4 Tornado Kills 9, Injures Many, and Destroys Hundreds of Homes in Harrisburg IL and Continues to Northeast

While numbers are still coming in, so far 9 people have been reported dead with about another 100 injured as a result of an EF-4 tornado which ripped through the town of Harrisburg Illinois. The destruction in Harrisburg, which devastated an estimated 250-300 homes, is […]

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                </div>The same storm system which caused tornados and mass destruction in the South on Friday, swept through the east coast on Saturday leaving more death and destruction in its wake. North Carolina was one of many states hit hard by the devastation. According to reports, […]<!-- AddThis Sharing Buttons below -->
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    Raleigh NC Tornados: North Carolina without Power and 23 Dead in Wake of Storms

    The same storm system which caused tornados and mass destruction in the South on Friday, swept through the east coast on Saturday leaving more death and destruction in its wake. North Carolina was one of many states hit hard by the devastation. According to reports, […]

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