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                </div>According to a report in the USA today, more Americans are turning to an alternative method of getting into alternative energy for their homes – leasing. Instead of spending upwards of $30,000 or more to go green, there are companies which now offer the ability […]<!-- AddThis Sharing Buttons below -->
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    Leasing Home Solar Panels a Cheaper Green Alternative to Buying

    According to a report in the USA today, more Americans are turning to an alternative method of getting into alternative energy for their homes – leasing. Instead of spending upwards of $30,000 or more to go green, there are companies which now offer the ability […]

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    According to the Department of Energy, Vice President Biden made a visit to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado. The facility is set up to further research and development of clean alternate sources of energy including solar power from photovoltaic solar panels and […]
    " title="Entrepreneurs Can Access Innovative Alternative Energy Technologies from National Renewable Energy Laboratory for Green and Alternative Energy Sources" />

Entrepreneurs Can Access Innovative Alternative Energy Technologies from National Renewable Energy Laboratory for Green and Alternative Energy Sources

According to the Department of Energy, Vice President Biden made a visit to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado. The facility is set up to further research and development of clean alternate sources of energy including solar power from photovoltaic solar panels and […]

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                </div>–  As the world demand to power, fuels, and other consumables continues to grow, there is an ever increasing need for technological innovation to help meet the needs of the world and stay ahead of the curve. The London Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) […]<!-- AddThis Sharing Buttons below -->
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    IET Innovations Awards 2010

    –  As the world demand to power, fuels, and other consumables continues to grow, there is an ever increasing need for technological innovation to help meet the needs of the world and stay ahead of the curve. The London Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) […]

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