AT&T Deal Offers Customers Dell Inspiron Mini and Motorola Atrix for 1 Cent

AT&T Free Phone

As the holidays approach, wireless companies like AT&T are offering great deals and discounts, and in some cases virtually giving away for free, the smart phones and other electronics that consumers want this year. The company announced their most recent promotion today.

According to the company, AT&T is offering customers a Dell Inspiron Mini or a Motorola Atrix 4G for just $.01. Of course there is a catch. The offer requires a service contract with the wireless carrier.

For individuals looking for a new smart phone, or wishing to upgrade their current 3G phone to something which can take advantage of the speed of the AT&T 4G network, this deal may be ideal.

These are just two of the many current deals available from AT&T and other wireless carriers thin month. AT&T also carries a wide range of smart phones like the iPhone, tablets like the iPad and other electronics which showcase their new 4G network. More deals can be found at their Web Site..

About Ed Dixon

Ed Dixon - as an experienced writer and proven business leader, Mr. Dixon is the primary contributor for news related to Business and Finance.