Cyber Monday Growing

Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday Sales Grow

While consumers have long been familiar with the day after Thanksgiving frenzy known as “black Friday”, with the growing popularity of internet shopping has come what is known as Cyber Monday. Offering many of the great deals found in traditional retail stores on Friday, just a few days later, the Monday after Thanksgiving saves consumers from the crowds and sometimes the chaos they create.

The online-only promotions include reduced prices, volume discounts and, very popular this year, free shipping. According to statistics from the National Retail Federation (NRF), approximately 107 million people were expected to participate in the Cyber Monday melee. This is a rise from about 96.5 million last year. Only three years ago, only about three quarters of all internet retailers offered a Cyber Monday promotion. This year that number has grown to about ninety percent.

Does this growth trend suggest en eventual end to traditional Black Friday? Not likely according to the experts. The data suggests that the online shoppers are mostly younger and more affluent individuals. For some, the crowds and the in-store frenzy, along with the bargains, are just part of the experience.

About Ed Dixon

Ed Dixon - as an experienced writer and proven business leader, Mr. Dixon is the primary contributor for news related to Business and Finance.