Discovery Channel Puts Michael Jackson Documentary on Hold

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson Discovery Channel Documentary Posponed

At the request of Michael Jackson’s family, and in fiarness to the upcoming criminal case against the doctor accused of causing his heath, the Discovery Channel announced that they are postponing the broadcast of a show about the superstar’s death and subsequent autopsy. 

Dr. Conrad Murray, currently charged with involuntary manslaughter, is believed to had caused Jackson’s death on June 25th of 2009 by giving the singer an overdose of Propofol and other sedatives and failing to closely monitor his patient. His hearing is set for Tuesday to determine if there is enough criminal evidence against Murray to move to trial.

An advertisement for the documentaty met with a great deal of backlash from, not only Jackson’s family, but also from his fans worldwide. Accodring to the Discovery Channel, it was the letter from Jackson’s estate and the upcoming hearing which were their main reasons for putting the program on hold. There is no mention on when of if the program may air in the future.

About Janet Lynn

Janet Lynn - a freelance writer with a great insight into the Entertainment world.