Harold Camping Predicts the End of the World Tomorrow May 21 2011 – Citing Rapture and Judgement Day


Billboard Cites May 21 2011 as End of the World Judgment Day and beginning of the Rapture, by Harold Camping

According to an “end of the world” prediction by evangelist Harold Camping, the world will come to an end tomorrow, May 21 2011. Camping is citing his research of the bible which shows that tomorrow will begin what he calls the “rapture” and many refer to as Judgement Day.

Camping has based his predicted date on extensive research of the bible and the writings contained therein. According to Camping’s predictions, the rapture will begin at 6PM local time, starting in the South Pacific near Fiji and moving around the globe. The end of the world will come in the form of a massive earthquake.

The earthquake will reportedly leave massive devastation in its wake and only those worthy will be save and sent to heaven. The rest of the population will suffer on earth in the aftermath of the quake. Six months after the rapture begins on May 21 2011, God will totally destroy the earth and all that remain.

According to Harold Camping, if you are near a television, you should be able to watch the rapture unfold on the other side of the planet as it makes its way around the planet on Judgement day tomorrow.

About D Robert Curry

D Robert Curry - with over 2 decades of experience in the IT sector and an avid aviator, Mr. Curry covers all Science & Technology and Aviation realted news stories. drcurry@newstaar.com