January 21st is Squirrel Appreciation Day

Squirrel-Appreciation-DayIf you think there seems to holiday or a day of honor for just about everything, then it should come as no surprise that January 21, 2012 has been named as Squirrel Appreciation Day.

According to a report from the Mother Nature Network, Squirrel Appreciation Day was founded by Christy McKeown in 2001. McKeown herself is a wildlife rehabilitator in North Carolina.

At the center of attention for Squirrel Appreciation Day is the common tree squirrel seen throughout the Eastern United States known for its bushy-tail. This is just one of over 200 species of squirrels around the world, all of which belong to the Sciuridae family.

The timing of the special day of appreciation for Squirrels, during winter, aims to help them during a time in which food is harder for them to find.

Experts warn, however, that if you do decide to leave out a little food for the squirrels on this day, don’t make it a habit. Bird seed is a healthy treat which can be left out where you often see squirrels, but doing so on a regular basis with squirrels or any wild animal can lead to a dependence on humans.

In addition to the dependence issue, placing a food source outside of your home for animals will very likely lead to wild animals making a home in your attic.

About Janet Lynn

Janet Lynn - a freelance writer with a great insight into the Entertainment world. jan_grdinich@newstaar.com