Man Gets Jail Time for Flippling Middle Finger in Court During Casey Anthony Trial

Matthew Bartlett Gets Jail Time for Flippling Middle Finger in Court During Casey Anthony Trial

Matthew Bartlett Gets Jail Time for Flippling Middle Finger in Court During Casey Anthony Trial

During the Casey Anthony trial on Thursday, as prosecutor Jeff Ashton is speaking, a man can be see in the gallery behind him rubbing his face with his hands and then moving his fingers in order to give Ashton the middle finger.

After the judge dismissed the jury from the courtroom, the individual identified as 28 year-old Matthew Bartlett, was put before the judge in front of both legal teams and the gallery.

After a very stearn line of questioning from Judge Belvin Perry, Bartlett was sentenced to 6 days in the county jail and assessed a $400 fine plus another $200+ in court costs for his actions.

The judge was very upset as he reminded Bartlett of the sign posted outside the door of the Courtroom, which specifically prohibits any gestures or facial expressions inside. Additionally, the deputies verbally convey this same message prior to the start of the proceedings each day.

While the man apologized, saying only that “it was just a stupid thing and that he did not know why he did it,” the judge was not moved. Explaining to Bartlett that if the jury had seen him it could have potentially led to a mistrial, the judge found him guilty of direct criminal contempt.

Bartlett was taken away in handcuffs.

About Janet Lynn

Janet Lynn - a freelance writer with a great insight into the Entertainment world.