Playstation Network Back Online – Tomorrow’s Deadline Approaches for Sony PSN

The night before the expected return to service for thousands of users of the Sony PlayStation Network, as Company spokesman had announced that they would have the playstation network back online by Friday of this week, only hours from now. So far no new word one way or the other.

The PSN network was taken offline earlier due to several security breaches of its account holder information. So far no group has been charged with the breakins but according to Sony, investigations are under way.

As was reported earlier, Sony is offering its inconvenienced users an apology in the form of a free 30 days of access to the popular online gaming service. In addition, for each day that the network is not online, users will get an additional day of free service credited to their accounts.

There has been no word as to how Sony plans to address any financial injury done to the consumers who had their confidential credit card and bank information hacked. While there have been no public reports of any of the compromised data being used for fraud, the chances are good that over time they may be.

Once the playstation network is back online, new security enhancements will require Sony PlayStation 3 customers to accept a system software update to their console and change their passwords.

About Ed Dixon

Ed Dixon - as an experienced writer and proven business leader, Mr. Dixon is the primary contributor for news related to Business and Finance.