Star Wars Blu Ray Ready for Pre-Order Release but not all Fans are Happy

Star Wars Blu Ray Ready for Pre-Order but not all Fans are Happy

Star Wars Blu Ray Ready for Pre-Order but not all Fans are Happy

In keeping pace with the latest in video technology, the original 1970’s Star Wars trilogy is now ready for release in Blu-Ray format. But for fans of the films, the reactions are not as planned.

According to reports and reviews, creator Grorge Lucas has made some unwanted changes to the original films in the blu ray release. On if the changes which seems to have stirred fans up the most has been the addition of a voice over in the dramatic scene in “Jedi” when Vader chooses his son Luke over the Emperor.

In the scene where Darth Vader throws the Emperor into the core of the Death Star, saving the life of his son Luke, the original version had a silent Vader. In what fans now call a less dramatic version of the film, Vader now screams “Nooooo!” as he breaks away from his torment between the “dark side” and the good still buried deep within.

Other changes, many of which are related to the use of CGI, include replacing the Yoda “puppet” used in “The Phantom Menace” with a computer generated one. The same goes for CGI enhanced Ewoks in “Jedi.”

It is clear that die-hard fans are not happy based on the blog posts circulating around the internet, but for those new to the series, it may not be such an issue.

Lucas clearly had a vision for his films, but was limited by film technology of the day. Now he is attempting to bring his vision to the screen. Some believe that the limitations of technology in the past actually resulted in a more dramatic use of filmmaking.

About Janet Lynn

Janet Lynn - a freelance writer with a great insight into the Entertainment world.