Supreme Court Ruling Upholds ObamaCare – Fox News Analyzes Court’s Decision

Supreme Court Ruling Upholds ObamaCare – Fox News Analyzes Courts DecisionOn Thursday of this week, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its decision about the health care initiative from the Obama Administration, commonly referred to a ObamaCare. The new healthcare reform goes into effect in 2014, and among the parts of the plan in the spotlight is the “individual mandate” which requires most Americans to buy health insurance.

Overall, the court’s ruling today upheld the ObamaCare legislation as constitutional. When it came to the individual mandate however, the Supreme Court ruled against the mandate.

Fox News was one of the major networks which weighed in to break down the Supreme Court’s ruling on ObamaCare and explain what the decision means for those on both sides of the issue, including the Obama administration.

The administration had said prior to the decision that, even is the mandate was struck down, upholding the overall platform of the ObamaCare Health Care reform would still be a victory. Today, with virtually all aspects intact, the administration is still optimistic.

The point of the individual mandate was to keep health care cost low by spreading the costs, especially when it comes to the uninsured who increase costs on the insured when they receive free treatment at hospital emergency rooms. The mandate would also allow insurance companies to cover individuals with pre-existing conditions.

Without the individual mandate, it remains to be seen whether insurance companies will balk and say that they are unable to comply with the pre-existing condition requirements of ObamaCare.

About Ed Dixon

Ed Dixon - as an experienced writer and proven business leader, Mr. Dixon is the primary contributor for news related to Business and Finance.