Watch Oscar Pistorius ‘Blade Runner’ Murder Trial Online Live Video Stream

Watch Oscar Pistorius 'Blade Runner' Murder Trial Online Live Video Stream In a South African court today, the murder trial against paralympian Oscar Pistorius is getting underway. Thanks to streaming video it is possible to watch the Oscar Pistorius ‘Blade Runner’ trial online live.

The live video stream of the Oscar Pistorius trial is begin made available through a number of media outlets including, HLN, the sister station of CNN, and the Telegraph in the U.K. HLN is also broadcasting much of the murder trial on television.

Below is how to watch the Oscar Pistorius ‘Blade Runner’ trial online live throught embedded video stream:

With the live streaming video from the courtroom, viewers are able to watch the Oscar Pistorius ‘Blade Runner’ trial online live from virtually anywhere using their smart-phones, tablets and other mobile devices.

Because of the time difference, the trial started this morning at 3:00am eastern time. So to watch the trial live, viewers will need to get up early.

If you miss any of the drama, replay videos will also be available online, and additionally HLN is committing to air Oscar Pistorius trial coverage replay video each day from 12-3pm eastern.

Today, Pistorius faced the judge and entered a plea of Not Giulty in the murder trial against him. The ‘Blade Runner’ is currently charged witht he murder of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.

About Ed Dixon

Ed Dixon - as an experienced writer and proven business leader, Mr. Dixon is the primary contributor for news related to Business and Finance.