XBOX Live Update transforms XBOX 360 and Kinect into Complete Entertainment Media Center

XBOX Live Update Transforms XBOX 360 and Kinect into Complete Media CenterWhether you are into movies, music, video games, or other entertainment in your living room, the recent XBOX Live update from Microsoft looks to transform the popular gaming system into a complete at home media entertainment center.

Just released, the XBOX Live update allows users of the XBOX 360 and the Kinect system for the XBOX 360, to use voice commands to access streaming movies music and more through their console.

While Kinect for XBOX 360 has been a huge hit for users of the gaming system, allowing them the interactive capability with their games which made the Nintendo Wii such a success, the completely hands free nature of Kinect makes it a perfect interface for more advanced uses for the console.

Capitalizing on the voice and motion interactivity provided by Kinect, the update to XBOX live creates the ultimate user interface for a home entertainment platform.

Users no longer need to program multiple remotes into a universal remote, which may or may not give them all of the functions they need. With the XBOX Live update, users can simply tell their television what they want to watch or listen to and the XBOX 360 and Kinect makes it happen.

The update is Microsoft’s answer to the Apple TV, but with a much lower cost of entry. For many it is an enhancement to a video game system which they already have, and for those who don’t, it’s the perfect time of year to add an XBOX 360 Kinect bundle to your Chirstmas list. Major online and in-store retailers, like Best Buy and Walmart have been running $199 and lower bundles on the XBOX bundle since the start of the holiday shopping frenzy.

About Janet Lynn

Janet Lynn - a freelance writer with a great insight into the Entertainment world.